Challenge Description
As the name suggests, this challenge revolves around the concept of the caesar cipher.
The downloaded file,
is used to encrypt the flag, and the encrypted flag is given in the challenge description:
Script used to encrypt the flag
The following is how the encryption script,
looks like. I have added some comments to understand the code more easily.
So how do we proceed? We currently have 2 unknowns, flag
and key
. They have both been replaced with “REDACTED” in the script provided.
Decryption Script
Since we know how the string provided above was encrypted initially, we can come up with a decryption script to reverse engineer the flag.
This script will allow us to find the flag through a little bruteforcing. Below shows a portion of the output when we run the script.
Key: e, Decrypted: ihjghbjgjhfbhbfhfjfeffiifgihfjfdidfcfjfffiigffiefdigfdfligigihfgfefjflidiffcff
Key: f, Decrypted: hgifgaifigeagaegeiedeehhefhgeiechcebeieeehhfeehdechfecekhfhfhgefedeiekhcheebee
Decoded: v`@`FHCDwEvHBrAHDGuDsBuBJuuvECHJrtAD
Key: g, Decrypted: gfhefphehfdpfpdfdhdcddggdegfdhdbgbdadhdddggeddgcdbgedbdjgegegfdedcdhdjgbgddadd
Decoded: et_tu?_5723f4e71a0736d3b1d19dde4279ac03
Key: h, Decrypted: fegdeogdgecoeocecgcbccffcdfecgcafacpcgcccffdccfbcafdcacifdfdfecdcbcgcifafccpcc
Decoded: TcNcd.N$&!"U#T& P/&"%S"Q S (SST#!&(PR/"
Key: i, Decrypted: edfcdnfcfdbndnbdbfbabbeebcedbfbpepbobfbbbeecbbeabpecbpbhececedbcbabfbhepebbobb
Decoded: CR=RS↔=‼§►◄D↕C§▼O▲§◄¶B◄@▼B▼↨BBC↕►§↨OA▲◄
As seen, some of the decoded strings are weird-looking. After skimming through the decoded strings, we narrow our options to only 1 possible string.