We first download the 3 challenge files, ende.py, pw.txt and flag.txt.en by running wget. I also tried to display the contents of pw.txt and flag.txt.en. The flag.txt.en file contained an encrypted string of characters, which we need to decrypt.
Understanding the script
Excerpt from python script provided
I ran nano to check the code in ende.py to understand what I have to do to successfully obtain the flag. The excerpt shown below handles the decryption process.
elif sys.argv[1] == "-d": if len(sys.argv) < 4: sim_sala_bim = input("Please enter the password:") else: sim_sala_bim = sys.argv[3] ssb_b64 = base64.b64encode(sim_sala_bim.encode()) c = Fernet(ssb_b64) with open(sys.argv[2], "r") as f: data = f.read() data_c = c.decrypt(data.encode()) sys.stdout.buffer.write(data_c)
It seems for this challenge, in order to get the flag, we need to run ende.py with 3 arguments:
Option - encrypt (-e) or decrypt (-d)
File with encrypted flag (flag.txt.en)
Password (67c6cc9667c6cc9667c6cc9667c6cc96)
So, in order to get the flag, we can run the following command:
python ende.py -d flag.txt.en $(cat pw.txt)
$(cat pw.txt) allows us to use the contents (password) in pw.txt without using the entire string as an argument.