Challenge Description

This challenge is similar to previous warmup challenges(Warmed Up and 2Warm). For this challenge, we only have to convert hexadecimal(0x70) to decimal, then to an ASCII character.

I made a Python Script to assist with the conversions.

decimal = int("70",16)

The int() function

The int() function in Python can convert any base to base10. We just have to supply the base we are converting from as the second argument, which in this case is base16.

What does chr() do?

The chr() function returns the character that represents the specified unicode. For example, chr(97) allows us to get the character that represents the unicode 97.

Since ASCII is a proper subset of Unicode, chr() can be used to convert the above numbers into ASCII characters.

Running the python script displays the ASCII character “p”. Wrapping this with picoCTF{...} will give us the flag.

