Challenge Description

This is an interesting challenge, as we are trying to crack the WPA password of a wireless network, by using a common password list rockyou.txt.


rockyou.txt contains over 14 million unique passwords. It is commonly used in password bruteforce attacks.

For more information about rockyou.txt, you can check out this page, which talks about the history of rockyou.txt, and how it is used by Cybersecurity professionals and cybercriminals alike.


Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a security standard for computing devices equipped with wireless internet connections (Gillis, 2022).

This page provides a good description of WPA, why and when it is used, and more.

Downloaded file

We first begin by downloading the wpa-ing_out.pcap file. I proceeded to open it in Wireshark, and observed that this file contains 23523 packets from an internal network.

Cracking the password

To crack the password of password of a wireless network like this by using a common password list, we can run this command:

aircrack-ng -w < path-to-word-list > < file-name >

Using this command, I was able to successfully crack the password. The output is displayed below:

└─$ aircrack-ng -w ../../../../../../usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt wpa-ing_out.pcap
Reading packets, please wait...
Opening wpa-ing_out.pcap
Resetting EAPOL Handshake decoder state.
Resetting EAPOL Handshake decoder state.
Read 23523 packets.
   #  BSSID              ESSID                     Encryption
   1  00:5F:67:4F:6A:1A  Gone_Surfing              WPA (1 handshake)
Choosing first network as target.
Reading packets, please wait...
Opening wpa-ing_out.pcap
Resetting EAPOL Handshake decoder state.
Resetting EAPOL Handshake decoder state.
Read 23523 packets.
1 potential targets
                               Aircrack-ng 1.7 
      [00:00:01] 1262/10303727 keys tested (1489.64 k/s) 
      Time left: 1 hour, 55 minutes, 16 seconds                  0.01%
                          KEY FOUND! [ mickeymouse ]
      Master Key     : 61 64 B9 5E FC 6F 41 70 70 81 F6 40 80 9F AF B1 
                       4A 9E C5 C4 E1 67 B8 AB 58 E3 E8 8E E6 66 EB 11 
      Transient Key  : 90 63 ED C6 BB 8A 59 D1 A5 E8 B4 6F 2F 89 66 C2 
                       0B D4 FC 62 37 2F 54 3B 7B B4 43 9B 37 F4 57 40 
                       FD D1 91 86 7F FE 26 85 7B AC DD 2C 44 E6 06 18 
                       03 B0 0F F2 75 A2 32 63 F7 35 74 2D 18 10 1C 25 
      EAPOL HMAC     : 65 2F 6C 0E 75 F0 49 27 6A AA 6A 06 A7 24 B9 A9

Submitting the flag

As shown above, the cracked password is “mickeymouse”. We can wrap it with picoCTF{} to submit it.


