Challenge Description

From the description and hint provided, we can infer that this challenge will likely use a variety of decoding processes. We shall begin by downloading the file using wget <link>.

PicoCTF Hint: Engaging in various decoding processes is of utmost importance

After running file enc_flag, we realise that this file contains ASCII text. cat enc_flag displays a string of characters.


Since the string ends with 2 = characters, this string is likely Base64 encoded, because the special character “=” is used in its encoding process.

How does Base64 encoding work? Check this out: Base64 Encoding

The decoding process

Using CyberChef, we proceed by attempting Base64 decoding. We receive an output that contains a string of characters which once again, looks like it’s Base64 encoded. Let’s extract that string and run it through the Base64 decoding process again.

We now have an output that looks slightly off from the picoCTF flag format picoCTF{...}. This means that a common cipher like the caesar cipher may have been used to encrypt the flag.

I played around with the caesar cipher values, starting with ROT13. Changing the shift value to 19 reveals the flag.

