Challenge Description

This challenge approach is really similar to that of the PW Crack 1 challenge. We just have to input the correct password and we get our flag. There is only a minor modification in this challenge compared to the previous one.

How does the password checker work in this challenge?

In the PW Crack 1 challenge, the password we need to enter was given to us in a very straightforward manner. We can copy and paste the password and be given the flag easily.

After downloading the file using wget, I proceed to cat its contents. It can be observed that the password we need to enter is chr(0x64) + chr(0x65) + chr(0x37) + chr(0x36).

What does chr() do?

The chr() function returns the character that represents the specified unicode.

For example, chr(97) allows us to get the character that represents the unicode 97.

Since this is a python function, we can just display the correct password by running nano and adding a single line of code.

Modifying the given script

I simply added this line print(chr(0x64) + chr(0x65) + chr(0x37) + chr(0x36)) before the program asks me for the input, so that I can copy the correct password and enter it to get my flag. I’ve attached the full code below as well.

### THIS FUNCTION WILL NOT HELP YOU FIND THE FLAG --LT ########################
def str_xor(secret, key):
    #extend key to secret length
    new_key = key
    i = 0
    while len(new_key) < len(secret):
        new_key = new_key + key[i]
        i = (i + 1) % len(key)        
    return "".join([chr(ord(secret_c) ^ ord(new_key_c)) for (secret_c,new_key_c) in zip(secret,new_key)])
flag_enc = open('level2.flag.txt.enc', 'rb').read()
def level_2_pw_check():
    print(chr(0x64) + chr(0x65) + chr(0x37) + chr(0x36)) # The only line I added
    user_pw = input("Please enter correct password for flag: ")
    if( user_pw == chr(0x64) + chr(0x65) + chr(0x37) + chr(0x36) ):
        print("Welcome back... your flag, user:")
        decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), user_pw)
    print("That password is incorrect")

After modifying the script, I simply ran the script using python The correct password I had to enter was de76. Submitting this got me the flag.


